Southport Pleasureland

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Southport Pleasureland

Postby Gary » 05 Sep 2006, 18:09

Southport Pleasureland closed for good today.
Please pass through the turnstiles if you are riding again.
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Postby porterm » 05 Sep 2006, 21:42

Hi Gary et al,

I can't believe no-one has posted any response to this story yet! (I would've done before but have been busy posting and sending e-mails elsewhere so far tonight).

I did hear lots of rumours about the park's future from different sources earlier this summer, however, I suspected that the owners were going to go back to the former operations with concessionaires running different rides. This announcement was quite a shock for me - I thought parks like Rhyl's were under more extreme conditions of late.

I didn't realise that Pleasureland had apparently introduced a £2 entry charge on the gate this season, for non-riders, I believe. I have seen this cited as quite a major factor in keeping punters away, despite it being brought in to control the "lout/ hoody" factor apparently. However this sector ironically probably spend more of their dole cash etc than your average visitor does on rides etc.

The way this sudden closure appears to have been handled seems quite deplorable in my book; my heart goes out to all the conscientious park employees. Hopefully a takeover of sorts can be salvaged here as it seems that the new generation of Thompson family operators do not have their former family traditional values in place. I somehow feel that poor Geoffrey and Doris would be turning in their graves with today's news at Southport. I for one know only too well the tough economic climate most of us have to endure in this new century, but surely a place with this level of history is worth fighting to keep. Only time will tell if there has been any betrayal towards Southport here, especially as the whole coastal area looked so transformed on my last visit a couple of years ago, as opposed to my inaugural visit in 1993.

Ironically, I recently purchased the "Southport Memories" book from Nick Laister at the last Save Dreamland event at Preston Steam Rally, near Canterbury, in June this year.

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Postby AndrewEdwards » 06 Sep 2006, 09:28

I have been waiting for this for a while now. To be honest the way tourism is now in the UK there is little we can do. We have now lost 4 old tradional seaside parks in the last few years and you have to wonder if this trend will ever stop. Blame it on TV, Internet, Cheap holidays abroad but the fact is visitor numbers are down everywhere and companies like BPB have to protect themselves. I dont agree how the new management team at BPB are going about there business but from there point of view the best way to protect the Blackpool Pleasure Beach and to increase numbers is to get rid of the competition and as the own Southport (the nearest competitor) then it was an obvious move. To me it is a very sad day as Southport was a piece of amusement history and again it looks like we will only be able to experience this old park in books and pictures. So BPB will have increased visitors next year, but you have to worryt about the long term future of any British park.
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Postby dave » 06 Sep 2006, 15:18

So shocked to hear this most disturbing news of yet anorther park going to the dust, they started charging 2.00 two seasons ago so it seems the thompson family wanted it closing then. It put many people off going in the park who whould proberbly spent money on the games and food outlets.Now wheather the thompson's want to sell it off remains to be seen but as with morcambe doubt there can be a save pleasureland
as with the dreamland project as andrew says its more competition for blackpool and the attendances are falling there so is there any hope.
But closing all the classic rides dosent hold out in my opinion so sad makes me angry. A muti millon pound ride for blackpool next season
thats where the pleasurelands future is.
regards dave..
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Postby Jim Douglas Jr. » 27 Sep 2006, 20:50

The news on the Cyclone has all but ended in the other forums.
I'm anxiously awaiting any new news.
There's a dedicated site up, but no new information.

They asked us to quit posting relevant information on the Southport Forums
as not to tip off the destructors as to what's going on in the fight to save the Cyclone.

Anybody have any news?
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Postby Jim Douglas Jr. » 27 Sep 2006, 20:53

Oh, the good news is that only about 20% of the Cyclone had been taken down, and carefully at that. It's the turnaround near the station.
This would be a good time to add a banked turn if it's actually saved.
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Postby EAS » 30 Sep 2006, 18:01

There's some worrying news of activity today at the River Caves, which may suggest that more destruction is contemplated at Pleasureland to try to prevent a listing...

Only two left now, Southport and Blackpool.

Forum at:

and there's a link to the petition there too:

Our best hope however is listing. The DCMS has accepted my request to review this, but there is now so much damage done that it is going to be very difficult to get it listed mnow.
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Postby EAS » 01 Oct 2006, 11:21

Sunday morning - reports that damage is continuing, with sawing through of cross supports to make the structure unstable.

I fear we have lost Cyclone.
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Postby Neil » 02 Oct 2006, 15:21

Thanks EAS for the news, no thanks Amanda for massacring a historic treaure. Even if we can't save the Cyclone I believe there may still be a chance of saving Pleasureland as a whole, but time seems to be against us. It looks like a lots hanging on the River Caves and Fun House then, but if only English Heritage can get a move on or the Council can do something then maybe...

There was talk about contacting ride sponsors at Blackpool Pleasurebach. Does anyone know what they've had to say?
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Postby EAS » 02 Oct 2006, 17:50

Hmmm ... good idea.

Post on the Cyclone forum too!

Pepsi anyone?

Coaster fans worldwide - BOYCOTT PEPSI?

And Irn Bru?
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Postby EAS » 03 Oct 2006, 16:53

EH has again refused to list Cyclone...

Docs here:

I profoundly disagree.
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