Come on, herbert and family!

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Come on, herbert and family!

Postby supraman » 19 Nov 2006, 16:40

I wonder if the Silcock family have any interest in taking on the whole site .
and maybe some of the old school such as Carol Silcock, Tom or Darren Brown and Terry Jackson.

In the 80's and 90's the park was making money, I know because I was there and there is no reason why it couldn't again.

Addmisson fees was never how it was and it never should have been.

The people I have mentioned above were all there to make a living, but they also had a passion for the place.

I worked there for about 12 years and I also have many happy memories of the ground it would be an absolute shame to see it modernised like the rest of the seafront.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2006, 15:23

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