The Blackpool Funhouse (1972 Article)

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The Blackpool Funhouse (1972 Article)

Postby Gary » 25 Mar 2008, 20:48

Courtesy of Visual Arts Data Service comes this 1972 article about The Blackpool Funhouse.

The photos are not brilliant and in Black and White but you can click on them for larger images.

It makes for fascinating reading: Love the bit:

"..And the kids come by the thousand, dumped by their parents or, more likely, escaping them in roving gangs. The most crowded, and dangerous, time of day is three in the afternoon when the pubs close. Gang warfare is not uncommon, but the attendants report that violence is no more common than years ago, merely more sophisticated."

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Postby furie » 27 Mar 2008, 16:16

I was only boring Minor_Furie with my memories of the fun house last weekend too. I'd spend hours in there on a visit to Blackpool, I loved the place. I remember finally getting the guts to do a death slide - what a thrill!

The hamster wheels were excellent, and I often had shoes in my face on the rotating barrel! :)

I wish there were more photos from the inside - I wish it was still there :(
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