PBB Rollercoaster to close?

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PBB Rollercoaster to close?

Postby furie » 04 Nov 2008, 16:38

The last riders on Sunday on the Rollercoaster at Blackpool were told "Thanks for enjoying the last ever ride on the Rollercoaster".

Apparently the ride will not open for the 2009 season, and nobody is sure of the future from there.

Whether this is some kind of joke by the ride op, or misinformation isn't known, but apparently all the ops seemed very genuine.

Anyone got any more information?
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Postby Gary » 04 Nov 2008, 18:28

themagiceye tends to get lots of rumours sent to it..99.9% of which have still yet to come true.

ie a wonderful email that once informed me that The polo Tower at Morecambe was making a comeback at BPB for the 2007 season.


However...recent emails (or "trumours" that I call those emails from the usual reliable resources) have stated Rollercoaster Space Invader and Noah's Ark may be SBNO in 2009.

Please note both emails stated may be SBNO

Who knows??

I don't..

But if it is true then all is not well in the park where it was once always summer.

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Postby porterm » 06 Nov 2008, 01:43

I first heard about this from a posting on the European Coaster Club's e-mail list from someone who lives very near to the Pleasure Beach. Mind you, one of his earlier postings this year was an item about how PBB was to be taken over by Virgin.

If the Rollercoaster and Space Invader 2 stories are true though it really doesn't make much sense reference the amount of time and money that has gone into the upgrade of the latter attraction in recent years. Also the Rollercoaster's "new" trains for this last season would appear to have been in vain too.

There again, there's nowt logical in some of this operator's recent amusement park activities one could say. I think it would be a great shame to lose the Rollercoaster though as I reckon the former Big Dipper trains on this coaster have really quite radically improved the ride quality, in my opinion. (I always forget just how fast that final run back into the station is, with that "tunnel" bend).

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Postby kevinashe » 06 Nov 2008, 09:17

Phil this rumour has been going about for a few months,indeed when i was down in october rollacoaster,space invader and the ark were all closed (although rollacoaster opened at 4 oclock).If this were to be true i can see bpb alienating themselves more .
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Postby furie » 06 Nov 2008, 12:27

Like all things, I take them with a pinch of salt - it's just that the ops were making a big deal about the closure.

Of course, the question is, if the park hasn't officially announced it - how do the grunts running the ride know?

No offence to ride ops, but they're a long way down the pecking order and won't be top of the list of people to tell about anything "secret" going on.

However, people work together, socialise together and there's a chance that maybe somebody in the know did let slip...

Watch this space I guess...
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Postby Gary » 06 Nov 2008, 17:38

I'm still trying to suss out why the annonymous emails sent to themagiceye listed Noah's Ark as SBNO next year when the attraction is supposed to be one of those you can get on with your £5 wristband.

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Postby Gary » 07 Nov 2008, 21:21

Gary wrote:I'm still trying to suss out why the annonymous emails sent to themagiceye listed Noah's Ark as SBNO next year when the attraction is supposed to be one of those you can get on with your £5 wristband.

...unless of course they intend to make alterations to the Ark in a sort of downsizing way and it's going to be SBNO (Standing But Not Operational) for a period of time..

...They wouldn't do that would they?

Hope not.

Heck I hope this latest round of rumours remain just rumours.

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Postby Gary » 09 Nov 2008, 18:15

Gary wrote:Heck I hope this latest round of rumours remain just rumours.


Besides..I thought the Mexican Divers were due for a comeback... :)
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Postby faro » 09 Nov 2008, 19:34

it would be awful if the roller coaster gets closed down.
i don,t think i could go to bpp again!!
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Postby mesmoland » 10 Nov 2008, 01:29

This last year I had my best ever ride on Roller coaster I actually had some air time when using the very back seat,the new carriages have done wonders for it.I hope the rumours are wrong,after Southport I'm a bit nervous.
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Postby furie » 13 Nov 2008, 12:14

I've done more digging on this.

It appears that the announcement was a staff 'joke'. I don't know if they knew the guys on the train where enthusiasts and did it to wind them up, or if it was an unfortunate accident...

I'm having some trouble on CoasterForce at the moment too Gary with somebody making up lots of rumours with regards PBB. RollerCoaster, Space Invader 2 and Avalanche all going.

The guy has edited the Wikipedia page to say so, and makes reference to offical announcements made on local TV and in local papers - no sign of which can I find on any of their websites.

He also is pointing to official Facebook and Bebo accounts - also created by him and pretending to be official Pleasure Beach outlets.

So, there's a good old mix here, but essentially, the truth isn't out there :)
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Postby kevinashe » 13 Nov 2008, 20:03

phil whos having the argument with a person from bpb guide about whether or not the traumatizer-infusion is second hand or not
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Postby furie » 13 Nov 2008, 23:46

kevinashe wrote:phil whos having the argument with a person from bpb guide about whether or not the traumatizer-infusion is second hand or not

LOL! A few of us, but we're all old friends of Bicko, and doing it just to jibe him... Except CoasterKing, who is the perpetrator of the rumours currently circulating over there...
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Postby kevinashe » 14 Nov 2008, 18:40

dont know phil, i was concerned about thne amount of rides closed when i was down during the scottish half term and i was told that there was a major staff shortage thus 9 rides were closed 4 had breakdowns and a lot of stalls and shops were closed.I myself are concerned at the parks direction and while talking to local people who met by chance in the park that day they were too with the amount of rides closed.Bicko is really touchy about the 2nd hand ride thing and thinks it a real argument.If i find out any more about the rumour ill let you know.
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Postby Gary » 16 Nov 2008, 09:30

This RC rumour just isn't going away and I'm beginning to get twitchy.

Perhaps I should stop believing emails that in the past have proved more than speculation.

If the rumours about RC and SI are all part of an elaborate hoax then the words Hook, Line and Sinker could well be used to describe me in all of this! :)

Hopefully I will be one of many people who end up with egg on their faces and have to tell themselves I should have known better and go get a life.

I will be very happy to be in that situation - believe me - rather than have a classic ride SBNO.

Watch this space or even those ever increasing BPB empty spaces.

Time will tell.

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