Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

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Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby fascinatedbyoldrides » 05 Aug 2011, 13:00

I'm doing a project on the Pleasure Park, compiling photos old and new and documenting the decline of the park taking photos every season especially of the oldest rides.

Does anyone know if the Frankenstein figure on the front of The Haunted Mine is a John Wardley and was it on Uncle Frankensteins Scream Machine originally?

Many thanks!
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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby aitch22 » 18 Oct 2012, 10:39

The frankenstein figure on the front of the Haunted mine is from the front of the Scream machine which was refurbished by John Wardley.
The Haunted mine was originally called the Wacky Goldmine and this ride was designed/built by John Wardley.
The Scream Machine was called the Ghost Train and before that it was called The Journey to Mars, prior to having 'Frank' on display the GT and TJTM had a Dalek fronting the ride.
When the scream machine was in construction the Dalek was demoted to the childrens park at the lower end of the fairground.
The Scream Machine/ghost train was always a popular ride as it ran at two levels - a bit like a mini roller coaster. When Ken Rogers took over the park the Scream Machine was demolished.
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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby johnwardley » 03 Feb 2013, 09:20

The Frankenstein figure you are enquiring about was built for me in 1974 by Mike Blackman in Chichester for the refurbished dark ride at Barry Island Pleasure Park called "Uncle Frankenstein's Scream Machine". The ride was contained within the old "Journey to Mars" dark ride building, but the track layout was completely new (built on one level) and with new effects. I attach a plan of the track layout. The year after it opened I rebuilt the old "Magic Island" dark ride to create the Whacky Goldmine. In recent years the park's new owners moved the Frankenstein figure to the front of the Goldmine, where it can now be seen standing guard over this sad and derelict amusement park. If you have any other queries, I'd be happy to answer them.
John Wardley.

Scream_machine plan.jpg
Track layout of Barry Island Scream Machine
Scream_machine plan.jpg (416.55 KiB) Viewed 29831 times
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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby Gary » 03 Feb 2013, 10:01

Many Thanks for posting this John

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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby AJ » 09 Feb 2013, 13:54

Wow John Wardley is on the forums!
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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby aitch22 » 22 Feb 2013, 14:32

Hi John W,
If you visit this page again could you help me track down the film that John Collins took on Carnival night either 77 or78. I remember that JC was dressed up as a very impressive Henry 8th. We were dressed either as hippies or vikings depending on which year.
When you made your film 'Scream Machine' for a television program - a part of this 'missing' film was included in the program. Do you know where a copy could be found? Has John Collins still got the original? Any info would be appreciated.
Heather (People Mover Barry Island) also speaking for
Debbie (Dodgems ), Dixie (Galaxi), Scottie (Waltzer), Shaun (Tele Combat Jets), Steve (Wacky goldmine)
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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby johnwardley » 23 Feb 2013, 10:49

Hi Guys (Heather, Debbie, Dixie, Scottie, Shaun and Steve)
I've found the short clip you are asking about in the film "Themes, Dreams and Scream Machines" and have lifted that section out of the program for you. It is only 30 seconds long, I'm afraid, but if you let me have your email address I'll send it to you. It shows John Collins as Henry VIII, but not much else. They edited the footage right down.
Unfortunately, I lent all my old photos to the film company in 1992 who made the program, and they went and lost the lot. I hope John Collins original film clip didn't go the same way.
All the best, John
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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby aitch22 » 23 Feb 2013, 15:43

Hiya John,
Nice to hear from you, would love to see the film clip again even if it is only 30 secs long - do you want a photo of you sitting in galaxi car with Tony Blackburn and film crew?
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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby Gary » 23 Feb 2013, 17:32

aitch22 wrote:Hiya John,
... - do you want a photo of you sitting in galaxi car with Tony Blackburn and film crew? ..Heather.

Heather - Never mind whether John wants to see the photo - We ALL want to see it :D

PS: Thanks to all for a wonderful thread by the way - To me this is what forums are all about.
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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby aitch22 » 23 Feb 2013, 20:11

Have just sent the photo to John, you'll have to ask him....
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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby fascinatedbyoldrides » 23 Feb 2013, 22:05

Wow, hello John :D thank you very much for that. It is very sad to see the state of the Haunted Mine, Log Flume and Jungle Ride at Barry Island these days. I was there a week ago and the park looked empty aside from the lonely figures of those three rides, I was sort of pleased because it meant I was actually able to see them through the gates with nothing blocking them but still so very sad.

They are all set to be demolished soon and I didn't get to ride the Haunted Mine ever :( (I was always too scared!!!) I did enjoy the Log Flume and Jungle ride many a time in the 90s though. I shall keep checking back there until those precious rides are gone, somehow I can't stop doing that while they still stand.
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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby Gary » 23 Feb 2013, 22:22

Some of you may have seen FaceBook's fantastic Barry Island Historical Group Page..I happened to stumble on it recently..Glad I did..If you haven't seen it here's a link to the Pleasure Park album..!/photo.php?fbid=219818038069318&set=a.216240101760445.68668.214842455233543&type=3&theater

Heather Photo no 87 (I think) shows part of the Flying Coaster / Clown mentioned on another link :-)

Hey, fascinatedbyoldrides; 18 months on from your original post how is the project coming along?

Is it anything to do with the above mentioned FaceBook project or your own separate one?


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Re: Barry Island Pleasure Park Frankenstein Figure?

Postby aitch22 » 24 Feb 2013, 15:19

Hi Gary
I have just been on the barry historical page and picked up another pix of the coaster - thanks for that info. There are many pictures of the 'Journey to Mars' (aka ghost train aka scream machine) on the site. There is even a picture with the Dalek in the center of the ride, as I mentioned previously. There is a picture of Tom who managed the ride for many years until his retirement. I was very surprised to see 2 pictures of the scenic railway when it blew down in 1963 didn't know they existed! There is also a very good picture of the senic showing it as a skeleton before any lathe and plaster was put on. Brilliant.
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