First up - in what I hope will be an ongoing thread about model villages - is the attraction at Anglesey I visited last month.
I remember smiling at the precise directions printed on a pamphlet advertising the Anglesey Model Village:
After crossing the A55 Britannia Bridge, take immediate first exit to "T" junction, turn left signed A4080 Newborough.
• After 1/4 mile take next main road left signed A4080 Newborough.
• Follow A4080 for 8 miles.
• We are 1/2 mile past garage, see brown tourist signs from village of Brynsiencyn.
How could I miss that?
I drove past it.

But that says more about my driving than the directions.
I have difficulty articulating what exactly it is about a model villages that I really love.

The landscaping.

Those names above the shops and garages. It's Gerry Atric here...
I know, I know..but the names make a model village.

The train

There's usually a fairground.
Actually this image sums up model villages for me.
Simple. Uncomplicated. Non-animatronic.

Anglesey Model Village first opened to vistors in 1992 after 2 years of design, landscaping and model-making by the owners Jim and Anne Lympany.
It's certainly not the biggest model village I've been to and at a quick pace you could probably get round in 5 - 10 mins but model villages are meant to be taken slowly. Besides, you can go round as many times as you like.

Anglesey Model Village and Gardens is a little corner of Newbrough stuck in time that is forever.. Wales.