BPB on Most Haunted

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BPB on Most Haunted

Postby Andrew » 19 Feb 2003, 14:03

Hi all,

Blackpool Pleasure Beach was on UK Livings " Most Haunted " last night, (Tuesday). I know the programme has been shown before but they were trying to make out that the Ghost Train and Maxims Gift Shop were haunted.

I watch this programme regulary and I think Derek Accorah, the pyschic medium for the show really is talking alot of rubbish. The programme constantly reminds us " Remember Derek has been given no information prior to visiting the location ", and he someone knows the exact details which could easily be found by doing some basic research.

I am sorry, but he does not fool me. He talked about the ghosts that haunted the Ghost Train, Joseph Emberton, Cloggy and this other Japanese one Kamilya? or something like that.

The gift shop is supposedly haunted by young children, I was more likely to have believed this rather than the Ghost Train, as when riding Ghost Trains, you are meant to be spooked out anyway.

Fiona Formby and Keith Allen from the Pleasure Beach were both on talking about the ghosts and Keith told about his experience in the Ghost Train.

He told us how we decided to walk it one evening alone, when the park had closed and felt some strings trying to strangle him around his neck, he of course thought it was the strings just before the tunnel, those of you who have rode the ride, will know what I am talking about.

He then told others about this experience and aparently the strings had been removed a week before. ooo spooky or what! I think he is just winding them up, as is he that type of person :)

Anyway, I thought I would let you all know. It would have been interesting if the Star pub was mentioned on it, as that is supposed to have a ghost.

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Postby Nick » 19 Feb 2003, 16:40

I wish I had seen that. I don't believe that kind of thing, but it sounds enjoyable.

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Postby Andrew » 19 Feb 2003, 18:12

I believe in the paranormal kind of stuff myself, due to experiences in the past, and the programme has actually caught some footage or "orbs", which is meant to be the manesfistation (sp)? of a ghost, however not on this particular episode at BPB.

It was still interesting seeing the Ghost Train at night time, in the real dark and them walking it.

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