I'm looking for an online database of stats for historic carousels that includes British, Irish, Australian, and New Zealander carousels (think rcdb.com, only for carousels).
I imagine Britain would have the most out of those four and would be the most likely to have such a database. So far, I have been unable to find anything, but I know for a fact that Britain has several examples of old carousels that still run. The type of data I'm looking for is who made the carousel frame, whether it has more than one non-horse animal figure (a menagerie carousel), when the frame was built, the number of rows of animals, the number of working band organs, and if it has any brass ring dispensers (a carousel with all-wood figures that has at least one band organ and a brass ring dispenser is the definitive old-timey carousel experience, imo).
Also, a database for North American carousels already exists and can be found here: http://carousels.org/index.html. It casually mentions a few examples in Europe, but nothing with the kind of detail I need.