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Wayne Hemingway is 'desperate for Dreamland' project

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2013, 18:57
by Gary

Re: Wayne Hemingway is 'desperate for Dreamland' project

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2013, 12:44
by James C
Good video, the bloke clearly cares about Dreamland.

Not sure about Night Time Magic though. It would need to be on the same level as David Copperfield, or David Blane to attact the crowds; I tihnk they should focus more on the rides themselves being abvaliable at night.

Re: Wayne Hemingway is 'desperate for Dreamland' project

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2013, 00:07
by Jim Douglas Jr.
Um, I don't think he means magic literally. He means interesting stuff going on/a nice place to spend an evening.

Dreamland is going to have to appeal to locals as well as tourists, offer something unique, and have a longer operating season. There's no reason it can't be open to the public for an after work thrill ride or a sandwich and coffee, and host weekend antique or car shows and other events. It should maybe even have a couple good anchor restaurants that are open year round.
It'll be out of the box thinking that keeps it going. The old carnival model was beat to death before it finally was apparent it wasn't enough.
Hopefully it'll be attractive enough that people will want to come just because it's a nice escape and something interesting's going on there, and they'll make purchases because they're thirsty, or hungry.

One of the things that ultimately killed Dreamland was covering every square inch of it in concrete.

Speaking of, aren't roses still big in England? Have the clubs have their shows there.
VW, MG, etc. Have car shows. Those draw tons of people.
Art fair. Art shows draw people.
It's only limited by the creativity of the program/events director making dreamland available. Events draw crowds. Crowds spend money.

Maybe I should be the event director. I could use a change in scenery.

Re: Wayne Hemingway is 'desperate for Dreamland' project

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2013, 07:36
by vann98
Surely opening evenings would result in an increase in vandalism. I am sure one of Dreamland's previous owners had a problem with that.

Re: Wayne Hemingway is 'desperate for Dreamland' project

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2013, 21:57
by Jim Douglas Jr.
Why are your youth so destructive?

Re: Wayne Hemingway is 'desperate for Dreamland' project

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2013, 13:46
by Gary

Re: Wayne Hemingway is 'desperate for Dreamland' project

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2013, 14:37
by vann98
I thought that was a fantastic little article showing Margate in a rather good light and how much potential the town has.

Re: Wayne Hemingway is 'desperate for Dreamland' project

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2013, 20:04
by Jim Douglas Jr.
..and any positive press is a good thing. Very good.