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Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2013, 18:14
by Alan
Hi All,
A big turnout at Dreamland, they had to limit the number of people going onto the site! Before this Nick gave a speech to the crowd unfortunately most of the crowd could not hear as no PA was used.

Lots of information inside well worth going, Roll on 2015.


Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2013, 21:59
by SuburbanHomeboy
I captured the two speeches on my tablet pc - I had a guy keep waving his arm in front of the camera, but the sound is all there. I reckon the size of the crowd today surprised even the most optimistic of the organisers.

The estimate is over 2,000 people in attendance - they had an upper limit on the number of people that could be admitted at any one time and when I left after an hour and a half, there was still a large queue of people waiting to get in. It looks like the majority of these people put their names down to volunteer on the Big Clear-Up Day taking place on 30 November. I certainly intend to be there.

Let's not lose this momentum! Let's have regular volunteering sessions and get people doing stuff that makes a visible difference in the time they are there.

Of all the things that impressed me about the day, it was the lack of collecting tins. Instead, we were asked to donate ideas for the new park. We were asked to take home seeds and seedlings and grow them into plants that can be used in the landscaping taking place next year. We were asked to write our messages to future visitors on a wall panel. Most importantly, we were asked to come forward and put our names down as volunteers.

I can't wait to get more involved - today's event was pretty much perfect!

Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2013, 23:28
by Silverarrow
Is there anyway to sign up online as a volunteer?

Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2013, 23:45
by SuburbanHomeboy
I'm pretty sure you'd be more than welcome just to turn up on the day, but I'd suggest you go to and click on the "Get Involved" link.

Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 17 Nov 2013, 00:02
by vann98
I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of people who turned up. I am not sure how many were estimated to come but I certainly couldn't have asked for more. Truly fantastic community focused event and yet another key milestone to put on the park's vibrant timeline. "The day the people took back Dreamland."

The sunny weather was also a nice bonus. So much to say but feel I need to take it all in first.

Smashing job!. I applaud all those who volunteered to help out and to everyone else involved with making the day a success.

Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 17 Nov 2013, 13:02
by topthrill
Had a fab time yesterday :) roll on march 2015
here are my pics - enjoy ... 758824663/

Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 17 Nov 2013, 15:37
by Peet
Thanks for the pictures. It looks like a fantastic event and hugely uplifting to see so many people there, I wish I could have been there.

Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 18 Nov 2013, 11:26
by vince69619
I am so pleased that we came to this, even though I had had about 3 hours sleep, what a buzz to see all those people queuing to see an empty park. This alone made the last 9 years worth it.

Sarah pointed out how busy the local shops were on this one day, and what it would be like if Dreamland was properly open.

I had one woman moaning that the 'childrens' rides area wasn't enough, but I explained to her that we had to start somewhere and within the budget that's there.
Her aside, we had a great day and enjoyed meeting up with friends again.


Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2013, 22:08
by StoneRoad
Well done - a bit late I know, but I did see the coverage on the internet (BBC News, I think).

So pleased that the open day was such a success.
Being up in the frozen north, at the moment, at least, all I can offer is moral support :D .

Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 23 Nov 2013, 14:57
by kevinashe
thats what i love about this forum,jim in the states me in Scotland and loads of people from all over the uk (and probably more from around the world)all with one goal to get the first heritage fairground up and running

Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2014, 03:03
by Jim Douglas Jr.
See Bob, people DO care.

Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2014, 15:57
by Margatefan
I went to the open day, there were quite a few people there but sorry to say this but was expecting a bit more organisational. Sorry! Couldn't hear what was said as no PA system and when inside just a few scraps of paper with the plans on. New to the area so may have missed other public showings of plans but will there be more where we can see the plans? Thanks

Re: Open Day at Dreamland

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014, 11:03
by vince69619
Hello Margatefan,

Thanks for joining the forum. Just so you know I am a contributor here and not talking from a point of authority.

I think the turnout at that event was much more than was anticipated. I traveled across from Reading having worked a 12 hour shift the night before just to be there, and I was surprised at the turnout. I got about 3 hours sleep on the way. Yes on reflection they should have had a PA system, and I could have brought one with me but it wasn't foreseen.

I don't think it's fair to describe the large scale plans on A1 (I think) paper as scraps, there were just too many people trying to get a look. Having been involved with the campaign and sent my own money in to help with the cost of saving equipment for the park, I was amazed at the interest. The point of the day was to show people the scale of the task ahead and to get their buy in to it by way of help. There will be a few who want to complain about details but look at the bigger picture, Dreamland is making the initial steps to a return.

Note that this forum is for the Campaign and whilst we still discuss things here, the actual moving forward from the transfer onwards is being handled by the Dreamland Trust. The Campaign has achieved it's goal and has resulted in Dreamland being saved from development into housing.
