Brave Children and Typical British Seaside Weather

The Great British Seaside Resort: sun, sand, piers, funfairs and donkey rides. But that is only part of the attraction. If you love being beside the seaside, talk about it here!

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Brave Children and Typical British Seaside Weather

Postby Brett D » 24 Jul 2005, 18:37

I can remember several years ago when I was 13 and my family went on holiday to Westgate-on-Sea, near Margate in Kent for a short holiday on the Mayday bank holiday weekend. Now the weather was pretty dismal, it was fairly chilly and rained a bit too - not unusuall for British bank holidays, LOL. Anyway, there was a young couple with their 3½ y.o. daughter staying at the same hotel as us. They lived about 3 hours journey away and their little girl was really looking forward to playing on the beach. Well on one of the days the girl pleaded with her parents for them to go to the beach despite the not-so-nice weather outside.

Well later on, we decided to walk towards Margate and back to get some exercise. We then noticed on the beach at Westgate the couple from the hotel sitting on deckchairs on the beach with their coats etc on reading the paper. Their 3½ y.o. moppet on the other hand was quite blissfully digging the sand while naked, not minding at all the wind, rain and goosepimples! Brrrr!

I think this goes to prove that kids love the beach - no matter what the weather. It makes you wonder weather it's just us Brits who go to the seaside in all conditions. Probably becasuse we're so use to such unpredictable weather. It turns out that Westgate in one of the nearest beaches to the couple with the girl at the hotel which is sandy.

Brett D
Posts: 1
Joined: 24 Jul 2005, 18:03
Location: United Kingdom

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