Rides changing hands in smaller amusement parks

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Rides changing hands in smaller amusement parks

Postby David » 03 Mar 2009, 17:33

Photos from Codonas Amusement Park in Aberdeen from Lesslie Coutts. This year the Zamperla Galleon from Briddlington has been added to the park on the old Waltzer site. The Waltzer has been moved to the old Wave Swinger site which in turn has been sold to another Scottish amusement park operator but the ride is expected by many to be going to a small Irish amusement Park.

Photos of the Galleon in Aberdeen can be found on Scotlands Funlands here


In place of the Giant Wheel (currently in store in the south of England waiting for a new site) and Galleon at Briddlington will be a Haunted House style walk throu attraction and a childrens powered mine train themed coaster.

There has also been interest in the Crazy Mouse Interparks Coaster but as far as I am aware this has not been sold yet. There may be one or two other major rides to be added here yet.

Further south Trentham Gardens near Stoke-on-Trent sees the return of rides in a limited form. There is now a R60 Giant Wheel moved from the National Railway Museum in York operated by World Tourst Attractions and a carrousel operated by Stanley Reeves.

Heading down to the South Coast the Amusement Park in Hastings now have a Mondial Topscan - Speed Wave imported from France orginally travelled there. It looks really nice with all the extras and is perhaps the newest Topscan built in 2005.

David Wragg
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