The senic railway at barry island was demolished over a two winter period. The center was removed first, leaving the two end towers and the first lift. After its complete removal it was replaced by the 'Galaxi' a metal roller coaster imported from Italy. The Wacky Goldmine, the Pick a Winner, The Jungle Ride & silver dollar Arcade all built at the same time, used the 6"x6" wood beams from the senic railway in their construction. The Log Flume which was built in the 1980s ran 'over' part of the Jungle Ride and replaced the childrens park at the lower end of the fairground.
During the 1974/75 period there was a massive reconstruction of the barry fairground and the following 75-79 period was one of its most successful periods. Unfortunately the decision of Butlins to uproot and move to Minehead taking with it their "3-5,000 customers per week" brought about a devastating blow to the finances of Barry Island Fairground.
(I am at present trying to restore photographs (taken in the winter of 1973) of the senic railway being demolished.