Yorparks Limited wants to develop the Prod Lane site at Shipley Glen in Baildon, but people in the area have voiced concerns about over development of it, the loss of parking for visitors to the popular area and the adverse impact on the Saltaire World Heritage Site.
Yorpark Ltd lodged the planning application for the nine homes and integral garages, which 21 people objected to, but Council officers recommend the plan go ahead, subject to conditions.
A report by the company’s agent Seven Architecture said: “Yorparks pride themselves on their commitment to public consultation and continually strive to ensure the community is involved in shaping their schemes.”
Full story at: http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/10309173.Shipley_Pleasure_Ground_site_could_be_used_for_housing/
Article from themagiceye at Joyland dated Nov. 2003 / "A Tale of Shipley Glen" http://www.joylandbooks.com/themagiceye/articles/taleofshipleyglen.htm

Image: Nick Laister / Joyland Books