Dreamland Accounts

The Save Dreamland Campaign was launched by Joyland Books in January 2003 and is now supported by several thousand people. This is the place to discuss all aspects of saving Margate's famous amusement park and its iconic , Grade II listed Scenic Railway, Britain's oldest roller coaster.

Moderators: dave771, porf, Sarah

Dreamland Accounts

Postby Bob » 04 Oct 2018, 12:21

Dreamland has no posted the accounts for the last 3 years. All show Dreamland making a loss. In the first year it made an operating loss in the second year it made a profit on the turnover and in the third year a profit on turnover but much smaller. It is clear it is proving a struggle to turn it around and it is burning the cash quite fast. The loss for 2017 being just under £2.6M
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Re: Dreamland Accounts

Postby Jim Douglas Jr. » 07 Jun 2021, 17:16

That's lovely, fatso.
Not unusual for a new venture to post a loss in the first few years. A lot of money goes out.
Kyle & Herbie the Love Bug lll53
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Jim Douglas Jr.
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