Sponsorship of rides at Dreamland Hertiage Park

The Save Dreamland Campaign was launched by Joyland Books in January 2003 and is now supported by several thousand people. This is the place to discuss all aspects of saving Margate's famous amusement park and its iconic , Grade II listed Scenic Railway, Britain's oldest roller coaster.

Moderators: dave771, porf, Sarah

Sponsorship of rides at Dreamland Hertiage Park

Postby James C » 31 May 2013, 15:17

Hello Peeps. Do not know whether this has been covered before so I apologize now if it has.

A lot of rides nationwide have sponsors as some of you know. I really think it would be a good idea to tap up companies who could sponsor rides on a contractual basis over a period of years.

I work with a lot of distributors in my trade and I have approached a couple who could be interested. One (who I will not mention at this point) is a well known domestic meat Products distributor. I was thinkin that you could tie in slogans to attact people into the park, use them on posters and tings, such as:

"You would be a silly sausage, to miss out riding the rollercoaster today (could use it for other rides as well)
"You'll be for the (Pork) Chop, if you don't ride on the Space Rockets today"
"There are no bangers on The Dodgems, take a ride today"
"What's your Beef why are you not taking a ride on the rocket ship today?"
"You will be a lamb to the slaughter on the Ghost Train today"
"You better hope someone will save your bacon on the Ghost Train today"
"Queue up in venison, no, sorry, I meant unison (meant to be a mistake) for this ride today"
"Don't cutlet the queue, wait your turn and stay in the queue"
"Are you mutton jeff? I said "try the Pirate Ship today!"
"Take a butchers at the Big Wheel Today - you would be a right Turkey to miss it"
"Don't be a chicken, try this white (pork) knuckle ride today"
"Passing by this ride would be a big mis-steak, clmib aboard!"
"Don't mince about, jump on a ride today!"
"Don't be a meatball , ride the teacups today!"
"Don't lose your friends! Meat up with them at this meeting point!"
"Make sure you duck when you come down the water chute!"
"Stay a-breast of the latest Dreamland information at this information point"
"Don't burger about (possibly offensive, add this to "maybe" list please"), get in the queue and try this new ride today!"
"Tickle your (spare) ribs in the Hall of Mirrors today!"
"You may feel like you need (chicken) wings on this high-flying ride today!"
"Don't get yourself in a (meat) stew, the lavatories are this way"
"Don't look like a fried chicken, make sure you apply sun lotion if it is hot!"
"Dreamland is the best park in the South East, no bull"
"Don't have a cow man, Dreamland is open most of the year, come back again soon!"
"Keep your (Hot) Dogs on a lead at all times"
"Every day is a great day at Dreamland, it's all gravy"
"You will have many ox-tales to tell your friends about Dreamland after today!"
"Don't get in a soup you chump (steak), lost property is this way!"
"You'll get a roast-ing, if you don't pick up something for the folks at our gift shop"
"Don't get (meat) pie-eyed before you enter the park, drunken behaviour will not be tolerated"
"Who knows what the Fortune Teller will re-veal? Touch her palm with silver today!"
"Take stock of everything around you before consdering another theme park in the future!"
"Don't have a carve-up about parking, the car park is this way"
"Thanks for visiting! Why don't you come back to-marrow??"
"Need the dog and bones? The phones are this way!"
"This way for the bar, be q uick!"
"Other Parks are tripe! Don't accept anything less than Dreamland for a perfect day out!"
"If this park is good enough for The Trotters (reference to Only Fools and Horses), then it is good enough for you and your family!"
"Go Rind and Rind on our Carousel today!"
"Don't leave yourself scratching around for money by visiting other, more expensive parks - we offer the best value for money around!"
"Have a Gammon-ble, on our Fruit Machines!"
"Don't be parma (ham)-ed off by cheaper immitations, make Dreamland your park of choice today!"
"Don't make a dis-jointed choice by choosing another fun-filled day out, you know that Dreamland will make mincemeat out of other days out!"
"Doner forget to come back to Dreamland when you visit Margate again!"
"If you choose another park other than Dreamland, your friends will rib ewe, eye bet!"
"No loin-tering, the park is for theme park visitors and riders only"
"Head for the next ride at a brisket pace if you want a good spot in the queue!"
"Need somewhere to park your old banger?, head this way for the car park!"
"Not had your fill-et of Dreamland? Why not book again for next time?"
"Feeling tired? Place your rump down in one of our seating areas"
"Come to the Dreamland Gift Shop. Great momentoes at poultry prices!"
"Come and play the latest games, in the Dreamland Amusement Arcade!"
"Visit Dreamland today, you'll be shank-ful you made it your first choice!"
"Liver-little, try one of our more scary rides in the park today!"
"Visit the First Aid, treatment for grazed Kid's-knees (kidneys)!"
"Play the latest video games today! Gamm-on!"
"Thanks for visiting Dreamland! Hope you had a pheasant visit!"
"At the Dreamland arcades, don't be afraid of losing the odd Guinea, fowl up and try again!"
"Come and have something to drink or eat at the Dreamland Refreshment Stand. Have Chips or latte (Chipolata)"
"Enjoy your day at Dreamland Sir, loin' about is not called for in this place of fun!"
"Lost your way? Pick up nuggets of information at one of our kiosks!"
"You'll be extra lean, after a session on one of our Dreamland Trampolines!"
"Come and meat, or loaf around in our Dreamland Park Bar!"
"Don't get yourself in a Ham, pick up a map of the park today!"
"You'll scream and quail all ride long, on the Dreamland Big Dipper!"
"Don't be sheep-ish, try one of our more scarier rides today!"
"Don't be glib,let's organzie another trip to Dreamland together very soon!"

I ave stayefd clear of the more obvious ones. If a contract is agreed at some point in the future, I am happy for some or all of these to be used with no cost to the park and royalty-free.

Cheers, James
James C
Posts: 13
Joined: 08 May 2013, 12:16

Re: Sponsorship of rides at Dreamland Hertiage Park

Postby vince69619 » 31 May 2013, 21:55

I like James, he has the same awful sense of humor as myself!

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Re: Sponsorship of rides at Dreamland Hertiage Park

Postby James C » 06 Aug 2013, 11:23

No news as yet. Thanks for all the messages of support - I may not have the time to reply to you individually, but please accept my thanks
James C
Posts: 13
Joined: 08 May 2013, 12:16

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